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The Native Russian System of Self-Defence

R.O.S.S. is a system of hand-to-hand, close quarter defensive grappling, striking and movement principles that embraces armed as well as unarmed assailants. The traditional standing fight of Buza as well as groundwork means that R.O.S.S. is an effective system in realistic self-defence situations.

R.O.S.S. students develop through principle based learning as opposed to set techniques and routines. The five principles guide striking, falling, grappling, neutralizing and weapon work.

Triangle, Question Mark, Carousel, Spiral and Figure Eight are principles applied to an attacker. R.O.S.S. defence using these principles requires the user to innately develop a sound awareness of body mechanics, anatomy, kinesiology and physiology.

The Effortless-Relaxation Principle develops an understanding around the psychology of aggression/anxiety management.

R.O.S.S. is practical and effective when applied. It can only be learnt and understood through physical training. Training for reality is another foundation principle underpinning the system. Books and videos are useful as an aid to learning; however the student can only acquire R.O.S.S. competencies through attendance at club, training and seminar work.

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